Quad Hypertrophy with Dane Gray (he/him)

Quad Hypertrophy with Dane Gray (he/him)

Dynamic Warmup 

1-2 minutes foam rolling 

  • hamstrings
  • Quads
  • Adductors


  • 2 inchworms into worlds greatest stretch 
  • 4 each leg walking hamstring sweeps
  • 4 knee hugs each leg
  • 4 lunges each leg with rotation 

Weight Selection Warmup 

  • Warmup using the following method to find working weight for first exercise.
    • 12 reps @ ~ 30 rep max (1 min rest)
    • 8 reps @ ~ 20 rep max (1 min rest)
    • 4 reps @ ~ 10 rep max (1 min rest)
  • Then, pick a weight you could complete the programmed reps within. After each set take as much time as you need to be breathing normally and feeling strong again. This is how you warm up and choose loads for the first exercise in your daily session. For all other exercises, you can just do the set of 8 and 4, or even just the set of 4 if you already feel nice and warmed up
    • 3x 6-10 front squats - 4:2:0 tempo (Eccentric, pause, concentric)


  • 50 total leg extensions (Choose a weight to try and to hit 50 total reps within 3 sets)
  • 2x15-20 walking lunges each leg
  • 3x10-15 DB RDL (pause at knees)
  • 3x15-20 seated leg curls
  • 4x10-15 seated calf raises

Designed By: Dane Gray, MS, ACSM CEP

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