Posterior-Focused Legs with Anika Erickson, CPT, CNC, GFI (she/her)

Posterior-Focused Legs with Anika Erickson, CPT, CNC, GFI (she/her)

Warm-Up (flow through 2-3 x)

  • World’s greatest stretch x5 each leg 
  • Banded clam shells x15 each leg 
  • Hip CARS x5 each leg 
  • Banded glute bridge x15 


  1. Sumo Deadlifts x 12,10,8,6 (building weight each set, last 1-2 reps of each set should be VERY CHALLENGING. Start with at least two warm up sets working up to your first working set of 12 reps. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.)
  2. Hip Thrusts 4x12 (12 heavy hip thrusts, straight into 15 Kas Bridges) 
    1. Kas Bridges 4x15 Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.)
  3. Wide Stance Leg Press 3x10 (Start with at least two warm up sets working up to your first working set of 10 reps. Rest 2 minutes between sets)  
  4. Leg Curl Machine 4x10 
  5. Abductions 3x12 
  6. Abduction drop set x1 (start with a heavy weight, perform 10 reps, drop the weight, perform 10 more reps, continuously for 5 weight drops. Should be 50 reps)

Cool Down 

  • Incline walk 
  • Sauna 
  • Foam roll 


Designed by Anika Erickson, CPT, CNC, GFI (she/her)

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