Conditioning Leg Day with Anika Erickson (she/her)

Conditioning Leg Day with Anika Erickson (she/her)

Warm-Up (complete each movement down and back 10 meters) 

  • High knees 
  • Butt kicks
  • Side lunges 
  • Walking lunges
  • Leg scoops 
  • frankenstiens 

CIRCUIT complete 4-5 rounds through, rest 1-2 minutes in between rounds

  • Sled Push x 25 meters 
  • Walking lunges x10 each leg
  • 50 single unders 
  • Goblet squats x 12
  • Box jumps x6 


  • Easy walk
  • Foam roll
  • Stretch 
Designed By: Anika Erickson, CPT, CNC, GFI
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