8’s CrossFit-Style Workout with Sadie Meyer (she/her)

8’s CrossFit-Style Workout with Sadie Meyer (she/her)

8 rounds of:
  • 8 calorie row 
  • 8 DB snatches (I used 40# for snatches + lunges)
  • 8 DB overhead lunge (forward, reverse, or walking) 

Note: Rest as you see fit. Comment how many minutes and seconds it took you to complete 8 rounds. I completed mine in 13:42. 

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Warm-Up Suggestions: 

  • Treadmill (low speed) 
  • Dovule-Understand/Single-Unders
  • Jump Rope
  • Air Squats 
Cool Down Suggestions: 
  • Treadmill (low speed) 
  • Stretch/Yoga 
Designed by: Sadie Meyer, MS, RDN, CPT  
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