15-Minute Full-Body EMOM with Sadie Meyer (she/her/hers)

15-Minute Full-Body EMOM with Sadie Meyer (she/her/hers)

Warm-Up Suggestions: 

  • Treadmill (low speed) 
  • Rowing Machine (low speed) 
  • Air Squats 
  • Squat Jumps
  • Bootlegged Squats 



3 rounds:

1A. 10 Burpees 

1B. 15 Dual DB Push Press 

1C. 15 KB Goblet Squats 

1D. 200m Run, 200m Bike, or 200m Row

1E. REST (Take the entire 60 seconds to rest) 

Note: Choose a weight that’s challenging, but you can do 10-15 reps unbroken


Cool Down Suggestions: 

  • Treadmill (low speed) 
  • Stretch/Yoga 


Designed by: Sadie Meyer, MS, CPT 

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