Week 1 Day 4: Back-Focused Strength Training Block with Sadie Meyer (she/her)

Week 1 Day 4: Back-Focused Strength Training Block with Sadie Meyer (she/her)

Week 1 Day 4 

Warm-Up Suggestions
  • Treadmill (low speed) 
  • Stair Climber (low speed) 
  • Band Pull-Aparts
  • Pull-Ups 
  • Push-Ups
  • Cobra Stretch
  • Pike Push-Ups
A1. Plate-Loaded High Pulldown: 4 sets of 8-12 reps #smfplateloadedhighpulldown #gymmyplateloadedhighpulldown
Notes: You can use any high-pull machine (does not need to be plate-loaded). 
A2. Alternating DB Bicep Curls: 4 sets of 10-12 reps #smfalternatingdbbicepcurls #gymmyalternatingdbbicepcurls 
Notes: Start with a controllable weight, and work up to heavier weight for the fourth set. 

B1. Plate-Loaded Low Row: 4 sets of 6-8 reps #smfplateloadedlowrow #gymmyplateloadedlowrow
Notes: This exercise can be low-or or neutral-row (just not high-pull), and can be plate-loaded, cable, or you can replace this exercise with a “Dumbbell Row” using a dumbbell and a bench. 
B2. Straightbar Bicep Curls: 4 sets of 10-12 reps #smfstraightbarbicepcurls #gymmystraightbarbicepcurls
Notes: You can use the alternative “EZ Bar” for this exercise, too. 

C1. Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown: 4 sets of 8-12 reps #smfwidegriplatepulldown #gymmywidegriplatpulldown 
Notes: Increase weight with every set while reducing reps if needed (minimum of 8 reps). 
C2. Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 4 sets of 12-15 reps #smfdbhammercurls #gymmydbhammercurls 
Notes: You can perform this exercise by alternating arms, or choosing to do both arms at the same time. Alternating arms will allow for heavier weight per arm, but doing arms at the same time will be “harder” (fatigue quicker). 

D1. Close-Grip Seated Cable Row: 4 sets of 12-15 reps #smfclosegripseatedrow #gymmyclosegripseatedrow  
Notes: Increase weight with every set while reducing reps if needed (minimum of 12 reps).  
D2. Single-Arm Cable Bicep Curls: 4 sets of 10-12 reps/arm #smfsinglearmcablebicepcurls #gymmysinglearmcablebicepcurls 
Notes: You can face the cable pulley or face away. Try out each way. You will notice that each direction feels slightly different. 


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Cardio: Try a long-duration version of cardio today (20 minutes or more). Go for a run, swim, row, cycling, hike, CrossFit conditioning workout, etc. Decide your form of cardio, and set your timer for 20 minutes. Remember, this isn’t a sprint. You’ll need to slow down and keep your heart rate lower to last the entire 20 minutes. 

Core: No programmed core today! 

Cool-Down Suggestions

  • Treadmill (low speed) 
  • Stretch/Yoga 

Designed By: Sadie Meyer, MS, RDN, CPT 


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