Week 2 Day 3
Warm-Up Suggestions- Treadmill (low speed)
- Stair Climber (low speed)
- Band Pull-Aparts
- Push-Ups
- Pull-Ups
- Arm Circles
A1. Barbell Shoulder Push Press: 2-3 warm-up sets of 6-8 reps @ 50-60% 1RM; 5 working sets of 4-6 reps @ 70-80% 1RM #smfbarbellshoulderpushpress #gymmybarbellshoulderpushpress
Every 2:00
- Set 1: 70% 1RM x 6 reps
- Set 2: 75% 1RM x 5 reps
- Sets 3-5: 80% 1RM x 4 reps
B1. Behind The Neck Press: 3 sets of 12-15 reps #smfbehindtheneckpress #gymmybehindtheneckpress
Notes: Use a weight that feels comfortable overhead, but still challenging.
B2. DB Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 20 reps (light/moderate) #smfdumbbelllateralraise #gymmydumbbelllateralraise
Notes: Increase weight with each set.
C1. Seated DB Front Raise: 3 sets of 12-15 reps #smfseateddbfrontraise #gymmyseateddbfrontraise
Notes: Alternate arms and increase weight with each set.
C2. Seated DB Bicep Curl: 3 sets of 12-15 reps #smfseateddbbicepcurl #gymmyseateddbbicepcurl
Notes: Alternate arms and increase weight with each set.
C1. DB Alternating Bicep Curl: 3 sets of 8-10 reps per arm #smfdbalternatingbicepcurl #gymmydbalternatingbicepcurl
Notes: Increase weight with each set.
C2. DB Rear Delt Fly: 3 sets of 15-20 reps (light/moderate) #smfdbreardeltfly #gymmydbreardeltfly
Notes: Use light/moderate weight to reach 20 reps each set.
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Cardio: No programmed cardio today.
Core: Equipment needed - yoga mat, kettlebell
4 sets
A1. Side Plank Dip with Kettlebell x 15 reps per side #smfsideplankdip #gymmysideplankdip
A2. Side Plank Knee to Chest x 15 reps per side #smfsideplankkneetochest #gymmysideplankkneetochest
A3. Vertical Flutter Kicks x 10 reps (up/down) ##smfverticalflutterkicks #gymmyverticalflutterkicks
REST 2:00 after each set
Cool-Down Suggestions
- Treadmill (low speed)
- Stretch/Yoga
Designed By: Sadie Meyer, MS, RDN, CPT