Week 1 Day 2
Warm-Up Suggestions- Treadmill (low speed)
- Stair Climber (low speed)
- Band Pull-Aparts
- Push-Ups
- Pull-Ups
- Arm Circles
A1. Barbell Shoulder Push Press: 2-3 warm-up sets of 6-8 reps @ 50-60% 1RM; 5 working sets of 4-6 reps @ 65-75% 1RM #smfbarbellshoulderpushpress #gymmybarbellshoulderpushpress
Every 2:00
- Set 1: 65% 1RM x 5 reps
- Set 2: 70% 1RM x 5 reps
- Sets 3-5: 75% 1RM x 4 reps
B1. Upright Row: 3 sets of 8-10 reps #smfuprightrow #gymmyuprightrow
Notes: Use a straightbar or EZ bar.
B2. Alternating DB Bicep Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps #smfalternatingdumbbellbicepcurls #gymmyalternatingsdumbbellbicepcurls
Notes: Start with a comfortable weight for 12 reps, then try increasing weight every set until you can no longer reach a minimum of 10 reps.
C1. DB Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 20 reps (light/moderate) #smfdumbbelllateralraise #gymmydumbbelllateralraise
Notes: Increase weight with each set.
C2. Tricep Dip Machine: 3 sets of 10-12 reps #smfcablereversetriceppushdown #gymmycablereversetriceppushdown
Notes: Use EZ bar cable attachment.
D1. Cable Face Pull: 3 sets of 12-15 reps #smffacepull #gymmyfacepull
Notes: Use rope cable attachment. Drive elbows back above ears.
D2. Cable Tricep Pushdown: 3 sets of 12-15 reps #smfcabletriceppushdown #gymmycabletriceppushdown
Notes: Use a straightbar cable attachment. Allow triceps to be fully extended.
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Cardio: 10 minutes of high intensity cardio. Examples: cycling, running, rowing, swimming, etc. Goal is to get your heart rate over 150bpm and stay there until the 10 minute mark. You are not limited to ONLY complete 10 minutes of cardio, but the minimum goal is 10 minutes.
Core: No programmed core training today. Feel free to add your own core training here if you wish!
Cool-Down Suggestions
- Treadmill (low speed)
- Stretch/Yoga
Designed By: Sadie Meyer, MS, RDN, CPT